著名丘丘语言学家,艾拉马斯克,在近日的研究中发现丘丘人正在通过一种特殊的编程语言试图重新控制提瓦特大陆上的遗迹守卫。他们的目的尚不明确,且此语言仍是草稿阶段,因此,暂时定名为 MITA ( Machine Instruction for Teyvat Automaton )意为“提瓦特自律机关机器指令”。
Installation Result
Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
Reboot Required: true
VIBs Installed: Avago_bootbank_scsi-mpt2sas_20.00.01.00-1OEM.550.0.0.1331820
VIBs Removed: VMW_bootbank_scsi-mpt2sas_19.00.00.00-2vmw.670.0.0.8169922
VIBs Skipped:
LSI Logic MPT Configuration Utility, Version 1.71, Sep 18, 2013
sh: /sbin/modprobe: not found
mknod: /dev/mptctl: Function not implemented
1 MPT Port found
Port Name Chip Vendor/Type/Rev MPT Rev Firmware Rev IOC
1. ioc0 LSI Logic SAS2308 D1 200 14000700 0
# 输入21,选择RAID 操作
21. RAID actions
# 输入32,选择变更RAID设置
RAID actions menu, select an option: [1-99 or e/p/w or 0 to quit] 32
Volume 0 is DevHandle 011d, Bus 1 Target 1, Type RAID1 (Mirroring)
Volume 1 is DevHandle 011e, Bus 1 Target 0, Type RAID1 (Mirroring)
# 输入0,选择对应RAID盘
Volume: [0-1 or RETURN to quit] 0
Volume 0 Settings: write caching enabled, auto configure hot swap enabled
Volume 0 draws from Hot Spare Pools: 0
Write caching: [0=Disabled, 1=Enabled, 2=MemberControlled, default is 1]
# 输入1,打开Write Cache!
I0721 03:54:55.082767 1 match.go:206] Determining IP address of default interface
I0721 03:54:55.083292 1 match.go:259] Using interface with name ens192 and address
I0721 03:54:55.083350 1 match.go:281] Defaulting external address to interface address (
I0721 03:54:55.083485 1 vxlan.go:138] VXLAN config: VNI=1 Port=0 GBP=false Learning=false DirectRouting=false
E0721 03:54:55.084170 1 main.go:330] Error registering network: failed to acquire lease: node "fed-k8s-master" pod
cidr not assigned
I0721 03:54:55.084272 1 main.go:447] Stopping shutdownHandler...
W0721 03:54:55.084438 1 reflector.go:436] github.com/flannel-io/flannel/subnet/kube/kube.go:403: watch of *v1.Node
ended with: an error on the server ("unable to decode an event from the watch stream: context canceled") has prevented
the request from succeeding